English Arabic

A whistle with a double whammy


Murphy invents a wonderful high-tech whistle which can hypnotize Puck, but it also sends Ralph into an uncontrollable rage. This side-effect...

A whistle with a double whammy

مشاهدة المزيد
A sudden jolt of IQ
Murphy implants some metal chips into the Pesters’ heads that will make them obey all his commands. The operation seems ...
مشاهدة المزيد
A wild and wooly day
Clint is busily collecting alien toad specimens on the planet when El Roacho and Murphy run past in pursuit of Puck. Whe...
مشاهدة المزيد

Rex ransom



Secondary effects

Sending out an sos




Soul Mates


Species on the verge of extinc...

Sticky situation


Superior intelligence

Sweet as a lamb


Sweet revenge



The Christmas manual

The good, the bad and the stin...


The hills have eggs


قد يعجبك أيضًا

Basic Lexis


Business Words

مباشر • ar

Cartoon TV

مباشر • en

English Club TV

Grammar Wise - Season 1


Keep Fit


Monk Little Dog

Step by Step - Season 1

Worth Seeing